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To avoid confusion, below outlines our Club’s dance details for new members, guests and as a refresher for existing members.

How It Works Before the Dance

“I don’t recognize this charge on my credit card”.  Please don’t dispute it.  You may see "Cape Coral Social Club" on your credit card statement. This is a legitimate charge; it is how the company that processes your card identifies charges from the Social Club.


Why is the deadline for dance reservations the Tuesday before the dance?  Many caterers place their food orders on Tuesdays for weekend business. Around Noon on Tuesday, we give the caterer our preliminary meal count, so he has an idea of how much food to order.


What is the importance of the colored meal tickets given at the dance?  You chose a specific entrée when you made your reservation. To ensure that everyone gets what they ordered, we provide these tickets for you to give to the ticket-taker or caterer in the buffet line. Yes, the caterer brings a few extras in case someone drops something, but for the most part he brings what we order. You can’t change your mind after you’re in the serving line, even if something else looks better.


How are the seating assignments determined?  The reservations team gathers the reservation requests from all the sources, phone calls, off-site locations, e-mail, the website, and PayPal. Payments collected are credited to the appropriate people and submitted to the Treasurer.  You must indicate on the ticket registration form (website) who you would like to sit with.


When you made your reservation, you indicated who you would like to sit with, or indicated you’d be happy to sit with anyone.  The reservations committee takes this information and enters it into an excel spreadsheet where it is sorted, grouped, and table assignments are made.  We do our best to seat you with or near the persons you selected.  Once that is done, the white cards with your name and table number are hand-written, then your chosen meal tickets are stapled to it. This process takes a day or two. We then send final numbers to the caterer, refreshments team, table decorations team, etc.   Due to spacing logistics, there may be a rare occasion when you are seated with people you don’t know.  If that happens, introduce yourself and make friends. This is, after all, a Social Club! 


Why are last-minute changes, additions, or cancellations a problem?  And why don’t you take walk-ins?

I believe the explanations given above answer those questions. Changes affect the caterer, (he may not have the meal available you hoped for), the reservations team, the seating, the decorations committee, the refreshments team…everyone. Any changes or cancellations have a ripple effect throughout our preparations. Once we place our order with the caterer, we are obligated to pay for that many meals.


At the Dance

Upon Entering:  When you enter the German American Club, pick up your table assignment card and meal tickets at the counter.  Bringing your tickets that are emailed to you (only if you bought tickets through the website) is optional.


Refreshments:  Ice, bottled water and soft drinks are available at the refreshments table.  Beer, wine, and alcohol is available for CASH or CREDIT CARD purchase at the bar.  No one may bring in their own beer, wine, or alcohol to the dance.  This is extremely important as the German American Club will lose their license if anyone brings in their own alcoholic beverages and our club will be kicked out of the facility.  Please do not dump leftover drinks into the trash cans - there are special containers for liquids by the drinks table.  The GASC also appreciates it if you would return reusable drink items (glasses, wine canisters, etc.) to the bar.


Salads:  The catering staff will bring your salads to your table at approximately 6PM. You may request “no dressing” if desired, at the time you make your reservation.


My Table Number is called to get food:  Tables are called by number, randomly, by drawing a numbered “ball”. When your table is called, take only the meal tickets, not the white card, and give it to the ticket-taker or server.


What about Dessert:  Dessert will be available for pickup after the main meal at the dessert table.  If any desserts are left over, they will be made available for taking home at the end of the dance - with your own container.


Coffee:  Coffee is available at the refreshments table when desserts are served.


Leftovers:  Please feel free to bring a container to take home your leftovers.  The club does not supply take out containers unless someone can't make it to the dance and a friend is taking their meal home to them.


If you have further questions, feel free to contact me, or any member of the Board.


Ron & Nancy Montange

Co-Presidents, Cape Coral Social Club


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    Cape Coral Social Club P.O. Box 683 Cape Coral , FL 33991
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